Make in India Is a Marketing Gimmick or a Real Drive From India’s Government

Make in India Is a Marketing Gimmick or a Real Drive From India's Government

Engaging in the logical, scientific challenge and a passion for the individual, national, and levels can make a nation more innovative. A lot of Western business acquaintances have asked me if “Make In India” is just a marketing trick or a genuine initiative of India’s Government. The doubts stem from slogans that have been used in the past, such as “Incredible India.” My answer is always positive since in the past, and within my publications, I’ve suggested that India should have a robust manufacturing sector and that millions of people are trained to improve their skills in various fields to improve their living standards and boost our economy globally.

“Make In India” is the beginning of solving the nation’s most pressing issues. It will dramatically reduce the gap between poverty and income, raise the wages of those with lower incomes as well as prepare with better opportunities for employment through the development of skills, and create new export opportunities for entrepreneurs, creating a self-sufficient country and encourage the world to create India their top-quality manufacturing hub. To address our biggest weakness in our attitude of taking on challenges, let’s take a look at the people who have taken on scientific, rational challenges.

Cisco Chief Executive Officer John Chambers started his address in Jacksonville, USA, by inviting a crowd of a thousand to test the CEO. At the global digital technology event I took part in, Chambers declared that he would not be a stand-alone spectacle on the stage. If he is not challenged, he said that it was because the subject or his delivery was so routine that it affected everyone, and nobody could be able to comprehend his speech. The audience seemed to be comfortable asking questions of this multi-billion dollar Cisco CEO, who replied with an aplomb that was logical and scientific and opened a lively debate during the memorable session.

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Inventions by inventors:

People who are self-motivated are able to challenge the world in new dimensions. Did you know that Thomas Edison, with over 1,000 patents, was a dropout from school? His voice recorder alone changed the world and led to the creation of enormous entertainment industry as well as many adaptable innovations. It was also the case that “flying device” makers, Wilber or Orville Wright, who invented the first airplane, graduated from the school. The American habit of visiting the garage to come up with ideas is a huge social problem. While the US has large and sophisticated laboratories, they also have the majority of significant American inventions that came after 1880 were from the nebulous garage “self-laboratory.” The most famous of these garage-based start-ups include, created by Jeff Bezos, Apple by college dropout Steve Jobs, Disney by Walt and Roy Disney, Google by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Harley Davidson by William Harley, and Arthur Davidson, HP by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. With a limited budget, a minimalist style of living and no physical convenience, and a lack of physical comfort, these garage inventors forced the world into stagnation while inventing something new. Their personal power, determination, and drive were so powerful that, without any institutional backing, their efforts led to greenfield inventions.

A challenge from countries devastated

Challenge from devastated countries: I will never be a supporter of Germany as well as Japan’s Axis military forces during World War II but greatly admire their efforts to triumph over defeat. In World War II, the Allied Army devastated Germany, obviously to eliminate their evil Nazi regime. Then, Germany returned with the determination to tackle the challenges of entrepreneurship and is still one of the top countries for high-quality precision manufacturing and in the field of innovation. Precision in engineering workmanship and the unbeatable quality of German SMEs have made the country strong enough to withstand economic recessions across the globe to create Europe’s most stable economy. Japan’s recovery from the nuclear bomb destruction was to compete with advanced Western developed nations by producing the highest quality products in all areas. In the 1970s, Japan suffered a poor reputation for quality. I can still remember tiny cute, cheap Japanese products from my youth. We’d been told that German pianos were the best because of their superior acoustic technology. The piano is an opportunity for global competition; Japan is mesmerizing the world with its skills to achieve the precision required by piano making. There are more Yamaha pianos at concert halls for rock or classical music than any other nation’s piano. War-related destruction made them fight against their oppressors to prevail in a variety of industries.

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The challenge of the creative industry:

Overcoming the Wild West is pride and nostalgia for all Americans. Macho actors such as John Wayne, who shot into the spotlight with John Ford’s 1939 film “Stagecoach,” symbolized the American cowboy. A number of gun-smoking Westerns were produced in the US that distinguished them as being typical American westerns.

Italy is another country that, like the War devastated Axis power, was the first to start Neo-Realism films that reminisced about being devastated. As the popularity of these films declined in the 1950s, director Sergio Leone cheekily challenged big-time Hollywood studios. Imagine, from the traditional European culture; the director dared to show American cattlemen in A Fistful of Dollars (1964) as well as for a Few Dollars More (1965), The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966) that went on to become global box office smash. The films with lower budgets were made on location in Italy and Spain and were subsequently dubbed Spaghetti Westerns. In this new challenge to creativity, Spaghetti Westerns have taken over American-made Westerns in their popularity. Americans who reside in their homes in the US are more inclined to import Westerns worldwide, whereas Sergio Leone, rather than John Ford, is recalled as the most iconic Westerns with a cowboy theme. Don’t forget, Sergio’s big challenge was so massive that Bollywood’s biggest-grossing blockbuster of $50 million, Sholay, was inspired by the most well-known Once upon a time in the West film from 1968.

In the midst of a myriad of innovative, scientific, and logical issues that transformed the status quo and made a difference, could “Make In India” be one of them? The Government says that various administrative areas will be improved as well, and that is certainly taking place. But how can the Government assist in increasing the level of skill that people have? There are a lot of gaps in the skillset that must be filled in in manufacturing, for example, the lack of hygiene and civic sass and lack of a competitive and an innovative mindset, low learning curve, the no-conducive worth of the time, and insufficient capacity. Private industry is the only way ranging from MSMEs to large and middle businesses, and those who are self-employed can make a change by embracing the logical, scientific, and enthusiastic determination to eradicate mediocrity from their work environment, just as Germany, Japan, and now Korea have accomplished. I’m only able to refer to the enlightening phrase from American John Kennedy, the president of America. John Kennedy: “Ask not what your country could provide for you. Ask how you might do to help the country you live in.”

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