Why Are You In Business?

Why Are You In Business

Are you familiar with this…

You are here working on your business as you do each day.

Wait a second. I see you’re currently reading emails.

There is so much you need to accomplish this morning, but you’re going through emails… and again.

I am sure of it. You’re planning to do some seriously good work completed today.

It’s going to happen. Right?

However, it is a little difficult to begin.

There are so many tasks to tackle for your company, and you don’t have enough time to do them all.

You’re worn exhausted just from thinking about it. Let’s get back to catching up on the ever-growing email inbox. It’s good to get rid of the emails that aren’t needed, isn’t it? It is good to feel this way for a while.

Then, the next thing is that another day is gone in a blur, and you’re still not finished with the eBook or got the first (or the first!) newsletter completed.


You’ll get up with a bang tomorrow morning. Yes, that’s the plan. Tomorrow is the day.

Wouldn’t you like to rather…

… You are reading your email at the moment since it’s part of your scheduled day?

You’ve got a plan to accomplish today, and the task of catching up on emails you’ve not read is scheduled as one of the top priorities of today.

This isn’t your standard, top-of-the-line avoidance routine. It’s in your schedule, tucked between your lunch break and your afternoon work time.

It’s been planned to use it as a way to transition after lunch. It feels great and really productive to have cleared the inbox for a specific period of time and be aware that you’ve got the next time block set aside for tasks that will enable you to finish your newsletter.

Wow! What a wonderful afternoon! This is fantastic.

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I’ll inquire: Why are you in the business?

Have you answered this you were asked recently?

What are the reasons you’re doing business for yourself?

What do you want to accomplish?

What are your hopes and objectives?

What can you give to the world?

Being able to answer the questions is vital.

Knowing the answers to these questions is crucial to bringing your unique brilliance into the world in order that you can create your own successful business.

Do something positive and feel fulfilled!

If you’re determined to change the world and lead an enjoyable life, it’s crucial to be clear about the goals you have for your company and yourself.

In the absence of clarity, it is impossible to make progress with focus.

If you aren’t focused and forward-looking, You won’t be able to create momentum.

Without momentum, your company objectives (and your personal goals) will not be met.

If you’re not meeting your goals, then you’re not creating your dream business or living your best life. Do you think you are?

Make sure you check in with yourself.

What could happen if you were to check in with yourself?

Are you able to find the right answers?

Do you know confidently affirm that you’re forward determined, moving forward, and achieving your targets?

If yes, then Congratulations! I’m hoping you’ve got your own answers in writing and put them in a place where you can check them often. Be grateful for your clarity. Enjoy and relish that sense of focus and speed. You’re on the path to building your company and living your life to the fullest of your dreams.

Maybe you’ve not checked on yourself recently. Perhaps you’ve done it and realize that you don’t have any certain clear answers to the reason you’re in business or what you’d like to accomplish and the best way to achieve those goals. Well, that’s okay. This is your first step. Awareness is the initial crucial step.

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You can gain clarity.

Focus can be achieved.

You can create momentum.

It’s all you need to do is start.

Establish a solid base

This is my three-pronged method to help you gain clarity about the kinds of questions I mentioned in the previous paragraph. I refer to it as “building an enduring foundation.” Once you’ve built a solid foundation, everything else that you perform in your business flow more easily and increases in speed.

Step 1. Clarify Your Vision

If you’re not sure the direction you want to take both for your company and in your personal life, you’ll be struggling in “getting things completed” every day. (And that’s why you find yourself snoozing over email frequently.)

If you don’t have a clear vision, what will your daily business-building strategy be crystal-clear?

If you take the time to define your vision, you establish an alignment between your personal values, the goals you have as your ideal life, and your overall business objectives. When all those elements are aligned, it’s easier to plan your work schedule so that you’re actually creating your dream business and creating your satisfying life!

Step 2: Claim Your Tribe

Let’s face it. If you want to run successfully in your company, you have to be part of a tribe, a group of people that you are serving. If you’re planning to make products or services for your tribe, you must know the problems they face and what they’d like from you. It’s impossible to create a prosperous enterprise if you don’t know what “they” are they are: the “who” you’re trying to assist and what kind of assistance they’d like.

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This is why I’m calling to encourage you to look deep, maybe even more than you’ve done and then work to identify clearly your ideal customers as well as what they’d like from you and how you will best assist them. You’ll then be able to serve your customers effectively and in a way that is relevant and effective. Isn’t that the reason you’re operating in the first in the first

Step 3: Concentrate Your Expertise

It is essential to be certain of who you’re trying to help (your group of followers) and equally important that you know the person you are and what you provide. It’s impossible to build an enterprise that is successful in the event that you don’t know how to articulate the person you are and what you can offer. It’s crucial to define and define what makes you an amazing, unique individual. You are the incredible coach you are, and you are an inspiration and effective.

When you’ve been able to bring together all your experience and focus on it – you’ll be able to determine if what you can offer is in line with the ideal client’s needs and expectations.

Let’s begin. Let’s get started, will we?

Take a small step you can begin today to become absolutely clear about each one of these fundamental elements. Focus. Maintain your focus. Move on to your next move. Keep your focus and remain on track. Repeat as needed.

Create your own business that will contribute to this world and enjoy your most fulfilling life. This is what I would like for you.

Begin today.

What are you waiting for?

All the world waits in eagerness to show off your brilliance.

I am enthusiastic about showing how your brilliance can be even more radiant!