6 Solid Opportunities for Startups in 2016

6 Solid Opportunities for Startups in 2016

Based on Thomas Oppong of AllTopStartups.com, there are several emerging trends that startups can expect to see in 2016. He anticipates that over the coming year, some waves will crash into. Certain startups will ride these waves to success, while others will be swept away by them. These are the trends and opportunities that are:

big data,
Data privacy,
Better analytics,
Content marketing,
more utilization of freelance contractors over full-time employees and
increasing the variety of payment options for alternative payment.
In addition, there will be new startups popping in these specifications and industries, but startups from every sector will need to examine their plans for marketing and business for the 2016 cycle of business to determine whether they’re well-positioned to take advantage of these patterns.

1. Large Data Or Bust?

In the past, it was only the big guys who could afford extensive data. However, in recent years the cat has been out of the bag, and an increasing number of companies and businesses are capturing the data and selling it for sale at prices that even small companies are able to participate in. A large part of this is due to the ease with which people post to social media and profiles, as well as how willing to engage with advertisements and other promotional platforms.

Specific and sophisticated data can help eliminate the guessing game in the realm of demographics and target markets. While the general population has a lot of doubts about the way that data is collected, the majority of people are able to quickly recognize that big data can offer some real-world benefits. What benefits can you bring to use for your company in 2016?

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2. Better safe than sorry

In 2015, there were a number of data security failures, not just for startups but also for established players too. The situation is likely to be as challenging as in the year 2016. With more companies investing in cloud-based and cloud-hybrid technology, There will likely be ongoing growth in this field. What are your top security threats to your data? Will your company be the first to capitalize on the chance to offer complete security features?

3. Building Better Dashboards

At present, the majority of analytics dashboards are dynamic and active that requiring users to alter the data in order to discover what they’re seeking. In the near future, the dashboards will be more non-active. Instead of you sitting and using the platform, the system will operate in the background and notify you of any significant changes in the metrics that you’re analyzing. This will allow you to have more control over your data in a much more timely manner. Actually, this trend towards automation will be evident throughout other sectors, too, with a significant focus on marketing-related activities.

Manipulating dashboards? There’s no time for doing that.

4. Content Marketing is here to stay

The term “content marketing” was the buzzword of 2015. Buzzzzzz. I don’t anticipate that things will alter in the year 2016. Content marketing is a significant aspect of the current trend toward inbound marketing. It is effective in not just generating more leads but also making it more affordable than traditional outbound advertising and advertising channels like radio, television, and even print. In actual fact, HubSpot reports that inbound marketing can generate 54 percent greater leads than traditional advertising does and can save the average business $20,000 annually in the cost of advertising! Traditional traditional.

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That is the reason we are now on to the next trend for 2016…

5. The Just-In-Time Workforce

Startups are always on the hunt for sources of capital, so a large part of them are destined for the human resources department. Traditional advertising companies are pushed to the side, and so are many more conventional methods of forming a workforce. Salaries can be a high cost, as are the benefits and other benefits.

Nowadays, startups are moving to invest as much they can to build the most effective founding team and then turning to freelance, contract workforce for filling in any gaps in the event that they are needed. Virtual assistants can be as efficient as receptionists. Content marketing doesn’t have to require that you write each blog post. There are freelance websites that allow you to search for content sources that are reliable for surprisingly low costs.

Which roles in your company could be augmented with freelancers instead of the traditional workforce? An estimated 33 percent of the American workforce is currently working as a freelancer or freelancing. Business Insider expects that this number will increase to 40% by 2020.

6. Do We Have What We Take?

Bitcoin, along with another cryptocurrency, has revolutionized the idea of digital payments, and many other major players have decided to join the game. Mobile payments are constantly increasing, and Dollar General has set up payment solutions within their stores that permit customers to pay for purchases directly through PayPal. PayPal account. The days are gone when simply any merchant account will suffice. There is no more need for a variety of. Keep an eye out for payment systems that are regularly updated so that you’re ready to accept no matter what other payment options customers might throw at you!

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Matt “Handshakin” Holmes is an author, speaker, and the founder of the Handshaking Video Series, which features the top entrepreneurs of today on the most effective ways to network. After having interviewed venture capitalists, members of Congress, and billionaires, Matt has appeared on numerous podcasts, sharing strategies for creating connections and building relationships.