10 Reasons Why You Should Work for Yourself

10 Reasons Why You Should Work for Yourself

1. You get paid for what you do

This may sound egregious, still, let me explain. When you work for someone differently, you have a number of set hours a week that you’re contracted to work and your pay envelope is set, grounded on the contract you inked. But is this really fair? In some jobs you work more than you have to and also you may take over a specific piece of work or design that if outsourced to a tone- employed person, would bring a cargo more. In substance, by subscribing that contract, you’re cheap labour.

2. You get paid when you aren’t working

Working 9- 5, you stop work, but the work that you’re doing, is still earning the’ man’ aka the master, a cargo of plutocrat. You work, so that your master can come rich. Since getting tone- employed, and I’m not mega rich( yet), you can see the eventuality for the work that you doing, giving you an ongoing income, indeed when you’re asleep!

3. You can say’ stop’ and incontinently make changes

When, and if you’re a director in a big company, you’re noway 100 suitable to make the changes you need to make, to make your part of the business more. There’s always someone standing on your shoulders, telling you what you can and can not do. And no more meaningless spreadsheets too! When you work for yourself, you can make immediate opinions and changes if commodity isn’t working.

4. It makes you stalwart

Not being guaranteed a pay envelope, makes you stalwart and makes you make stalwart opinions to help you succeed. No more comfort zone!

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5. It makes you suppose

I could have done my job duties in my endless job with my eyes closed. In fact, as I knew what I had to do, it presumably made me perfunctory and I presumably did the effects I had to do, poorly!

6. You can love what you do

I’m loving what I’m doing! Love it! still the moment I was to stop loving it, at least I could now take way to suppose about how differently I can keep my tone- employed life going. When you work for a big company, love or detest your job and its duties, you have to do it anyway!

7. You can have your own job title

Not that this really matters, but when you work for yourself you can call yourself what you like! Also, when you’re out socialising and someone, who you do not really know, asks you what you do for a job, its can be relatively cool to tell them you’re an entrepreneur or author, or whatever you want to be called!

8. You can balance your family liabilities

No more rigid workinghours.However, there’s no reason why you can not be more flexible in where and when you work, If you have family liabilities. This is the one reason I need to exercise, before I sermonize still. After nearly 10 times of marketable’ man’ working, I still find myself under pressure if I start work late or finish beforehand. But that’s the point; working as an hand, makes you feel shamefaced for wanting freedom. Freedom isn’t a buzz word that’s exorbitantly encouraged within the World of full- time employment.

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9. You have to learn new effects

No further Marketing department. No more Finance Department. No further labor force platoon! You have to carry the can yourself, and this means learning new effects constantly. This is a great thing still, as literacy helps with creativity, and’ thinking’. What further could you want! And, how frequently did your marketing department produce cringe good marketing material anyway?!

10. Is not 9 other reasons enough!!!

Working for yourself means you don’t need to keep going, just because you said you would!